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WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) is a software tool for integrated water resources planning. It provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis.
Last updated on 5 February 2024
Many regions are facing formidable freshwater management challenges. Allocation of limited water resources, environmental quality and policies for sustainable water use are issues of increasing concern. Conventional supply-oriented simulation models are not always adequate.
Over the last decade, an integrated approach to water development has emerged that places water supply projects in the context of demand-side issues, water quality and ecosystem preservation and protection. WEAP incorporates these values into a practical tool for water resources planning.
WEAP is distinguished by its integrated approach to simulating water systems and by its policy orientation. WEAP places the demand side of the equation – water use patterns, equipment efficiencies, reuse, costs and allocation – on an equal footing with the supply side – streamflow, groundwater, reservoirs and water transfers. WEAP thus provides a laboratory for examining alternative water development and management strategies.
WEAP is comprehensive, straightforward and easy-to-use, and attempts to assist rather than substitute for the skilled planner. As a database, WEAP provides a system for maintaining water demand and supply information. As a forecasting tool, WEAP simulates water demand, supply, runoff, streamflows, storage, pollution generation, treatment and discharge, and instream water quality. As a policy analysis tool, WEAP evaluates a full range of water development and management options, and takes into account multiple and competing uses of water systems.
To see a full list of publications that use WEAP – including those produced outside of SEI – see the publications page of the external WEAP website.
SEI brief / Policy-makers can now model the effect of management options on the availability of habitat and the viability of aquatic species.
6 May 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / SEI experts analyse how water efficiency and storage methods can help Rwanda meet its sustainable development and economic growth goals.
21 March 2023 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Sustainable lifestyles, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Journal article / This study analyses how managed aquifer recharge might affect irrigated agriculture in California's Kings Groundwater Basin during drought.
28 May 2022 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Climate services, Disaster Risk, Food and agriculture, Mitigation, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
SEI brief / Urban and agricultural growth in Bolivian dry forests are putting pressure on groundwater and surface water supply. SEI research seeks to quantify the problem.
24 January 2022 / About Ecosystems, Forests, Land use, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Journal article / This article discusses how different climate scenarios affect the water-energy nexus in California, employing the WEAP modelling tool.
29 September 2021 / About Adaptation, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Journal article / SEI researchers quantified the impact of irrigation and climate variability on the fluctuation of water levels in Lakes Titicaca and Poopó by applying WEAP.
23 September 2021
Journal article / This study demonstrates how incorporating social factors into water modelling can lead to a more equitable water supply.
19 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Other publication / About using the A web‐based platform called Supporting Water Resources Management (SWARM).
26 March 2021 / About Water resources
Journal article / This study finds that water management is a larger threat to rice and ecosystems than the warming temperatures of climate change.
9 February 2021 / About Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
SEI brief / This article provides insights from a case study testing the Tandem framework for the co-design of climate services in Colombia's Campoalegre River Basin.
24 September 2020 / About Adaptation and Climate services
SEI working paper / Investigadores de SEI presentan avances sobre la modelación estratégica utilizando el Sistema de Evaluación y Planeación del Agua (WEAP)
1 December 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / SEI built WEAP models for seven major river basins, enabling the exploration of policies and investments under various climate futures.
15 October 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / The Sacramento Water Allocation Model, known as SacWAM, mimics one of the most complex water systems in the US.
7 May 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / Policy-makers can now model the effect of management options on the availability of habitat and the viability of aquatic species.
6 May 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / RDS helps stakeholders create a shared mental model of available opportunities and potential trade-offs for various objectives.
6 May 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief / SEI researchers used the Gridded Meteorological Ensemble Tool for a water balance study in Bolivia, marking the first time the tool was applied outside the US.
7 March 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI working paper / This paper describes the development of poverty-related indicators in SEI's Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) tool.
1 August 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI report / An overview of the development scenarios for Rwanda SEI researchers co-created with stakeholders and explored using the LEAP and WEAP tools.
31 May 2018 / About Energy access, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Journal article / This study examines how the continued development of hydroelectric dams could affect one of the largest wetland systems in South America.
8 May 2018 / About Food and agriculture and Planning and modelling
Journal article / This paper evaluates a coupled water planning and crop model for irrigated agriculture that researchers deployed in Yolo County, California.
2 October 2017 / About Water resources
Other publication / This document draws on SEI experience with WEAP and LEAP to provide guidance for mainstreaming gender and social equity issues into modelling studies
30 April 2017 / About Participation and Planning and modelling
SEI report
28 December 2016 / About Adaptation, Planning and modelling and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Journal article
2 November 2016 / About Adaptation and Water resources
Other publication
26 April 2016 / About Participation and Planning and modelling
Journal article / This paper describes the modelling of the Quiroz-Chipillico watershed in Peru to simulate impacts of possible changes within the hydrological system.
10 March 2016 / About Adaptation, Planning and modelling and Water resources
SEI brief
11 September 2015 / About Planning and modelling, Renewables and Water resources
Journal article
21 July 2015 / About Planning and modelling
Journal article
6 February 2015 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling and Renewables
SEI brief / Read our fact sheet introducing SEI's flagship WEAP tool and what it can do for water planners.
21 March 2023 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Climate services, Disaster Risk, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Sanitation, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / Water managers must balance the needs of aquatic habitat and human supply. SEI Scientist Doug Chalmers explains a new approach to help resolve that tension.
8 June 2023 / About Adaptation, Food and agriculture, Participation, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Feature / A new feature of SEI’s WEAP tool allows users to gain insight on water stress at the local scale, enabling accurate SDG reporting and regional water planning.
23 March 2023 / About Adaptation, Cities, Disaster Risk, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / SEI Senior Scientist Laura Forni explains why gender and income inform inequities in access to irrigation water in a rural Cambodian watershed.
11 January 2022 / About Behaviour and choice, Food and agriculture, Participation, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / SEI Senior Scientist Chuck A. Young explains why California saw severe water shortages this year and how better forecasting can help alleviate those challenges.
29 November 2021 / About Adaptation, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Feature / SEI's flagship water modelling tool helped a San Jose-area water district identify an opportunity to help protected steelhead in the wake of dam construction.
25 August 2021 / About Adaptation and Planning and modelling
Perspective / This perspective suggests how to better integrate water modelling into policymaking in countries of the Asia-Pacific.
23 August 2021 / About Participation, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / The eWRIMS Analyzer transforms California’s water rights data into accessible reports on monthly water use in each watershed.
18 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / More than 100 updates to SEI's water modelling tool will bring faster and more precise results for its 40 000 users.
5 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Perspective / This World Water Day, six researchers share insights on the value of water and lessons learned on how to equitably manage and protect this valuable resource.
22 March 2021 / About Cities, Climate policy, Climate services, Sustainable Development Goals, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / We propose five concepts that policymakers and planners can apply to help ensure water resilience amid climate change.
24 August 2020 / About Food and agriculture, Mitigation, Planning and modelling and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Perspective / Clean, accessible water is a human right, and universal access is essential to global health. Effective water planning can help us get there.
9 April 2020 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Sanitation, Water resources and Wellbeing
Feature / SEI's Marisa Escobar, Alison Dyke, and Hector Angarita introduce the new SEI Initiative on Water Beyond Boundaries.
22 March 2020 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / SEI Senior Scientist Brian Joyce explains the value of water models in an interview, the first in a series from the SEI US Water Program.
20 March 2020 / About Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / In this webinar, SEI scientists explain how to use SEI's two flagship modelling tools for integrated analyses of energy and water systems.
25 February 2020 / About Planning and modelling
Feature / The de facto tool for water planning now calculates scenarios ten times faster than before.
27 August 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Perspective / The Mara River is a crucial water source for farms, villages and ecosystems. Researchers and stakeholders are working together to ensure it remains sustainable.
19 August 2019 / About Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / SEI is working with the U.S. Department of Energy and the California and Chinese governments to help policy-makers plan for resilient water and energy systems.
23 May 2019 / About Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / SEI teamed up with local partners to build a new water model in a Bolivian community. The results illuminate a path for policies that help the most vulnerable.
13 May 2019 / About Food and agriculture, Participation, Planning and modelling, Sanitation and Water resources
Feature / SEI's Charles Young and Stantec's Andy Draper won for their work on an unprecedented water model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
26 April 2019 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Perspective / SEI researchers Felipe Benavides and Jeanne Fernandez reflect on a recent tour of Bolivia's Tupiza watershed, where residents have "lost everything."
21 March 2019 / About Planning and modelling, Sanitation and Water resources
Perspective / SWARM, a new platform for water management, combines hydrological modelling and stakeholder input to improve river basin management in Southeast Asia.
13 March 2019 / About Adaptation, Disaster Risk, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / SEI experts explain how a new project will help Bolivia connect sanitation with watershed management.
27 February 2019 / About Planning and modelling, Sanitation and Water resources
Feature / Farmers in Bolivia are struggling as their water supply becomes increasingly unreliable. Could better models lead to policies that help the most vulnerable?
11 February 2019 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Perspective / An innovative water management exercise fostered hands-on learning in Cambodia at a workshop held through the Sustainable Water Partnership.
18 October 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / SEI researchers take a first step toward water analysis that considers inequality, by developing poverty-related indicators in WEAP.
1 August 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / A major update to SEI’s flagship water modelling tool enables policy-makers and researchers to more easily determine watershed boundaries and river pathways.
8 May 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / SEI researchers recently unveiled the first comprehensive model of Bolivia’s rivers, lakes and streams, as part of the Bolivia National Water Balance.
6 December 2017 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
25 August 2016 / About Ecosystems, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Perspective / 21 of California’s groundwater basins and sub-basins are critically overdrafted. We must break entrenched positions and find sustainable solutions.
3 November 2015 / About Participation, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / Laura Forni explains how a large-scale scenario exercise could help decision-makers find the best way to allocate limited water resources.
27 August 2012
Project / SEI uses its flagship water modelling software, WEAP, to update the California Water Plan.
2006 / About Adaptation, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI is working with UC Davis and the California State Water Resources Control Board to implement the Drought Emergency Regulation in the Scott River watershed.
2022 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Project / SEI is building the Ventura Water Allocation Model (VWAM) using SEI’s flagship WEAP software for the Ventura River watershed in California.
2017 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Project / The Sacramento Water Allocation Model enables policy-makers to weigh difficult trade-offs in water use, by simulating a complex water system in the US.
2014 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI adapted WEAP to assess the needs of chinook salmon and steelhead trout in the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
2015 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI worked with the Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to produce a Stormwater Resources Plan.
2017 - 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI is designing water allocation models that explicitly represent every water right and assess the impact of in-stream flow requirements on water users.
2017 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Past event / Learn how SEI's innovative water modelling tool allows researchers and policymakers to advance sustainable and equitable water planning.
24 January 2024 / About Food and agriculture, Participation, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Sanitation, Sustainable Development Goals, Water resources and Wellbeing
Past event / This session examines the complexities of transboundary water governance by exploring ideas and case studies at Stockholm World Water Week.
22 August 2023 / About Geopolitics, Public policy and Water resources
Past event / SEI scientists will host a three-day training on WEAP, SEI's flagship water modelling software, on 18, 20 and 22 September 2023. Register today.
18 September 2023 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate policy, Disaster Risk, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy, Sanitation, Sustainable Development Goals and Water resources
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Project / SEI is helping FAO meet sustainable development goals by training technicians to assess water stress at the sub-basin level in Algeria and Tunisia.
2021 / About Adaptation, Planning and modelling, Sustainable Development Goals and Water resources
Feature / More than 100 updates to SEI's water modelling tool will bring faster and more precise results for its 40 000 users.
5 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Tool / The Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) is a powerful, versatile system for energy planning and climate change mitigation assessment.
About Adaptation, Mitigation, Planning and modelling and Pollution
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