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The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) commissioned SEI scientists to use their Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) software to calculate water stress at the sub-basin level, giving decision-makers a more detailed view of local conditions than can be offered by national-level measurements.
Researchers have also developed and deployed a training program helping technicians in Tunisia and Algeria use WEAP to monitor and forecast water stress over time.
Photo: Kelly Cheng / Getty Images
Historically, progress toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.4.2, which addresses water stress, has been calculated at the country level, primarily by the United Nations’ FAO. The calculations are based on publicly available data, with countries reviewing and accepting or challenging the calculation.
FAO commissioned SEI to:
Disaggregation of this indicator, led by country-level technicians, will offer better insights on the spatial and temporal aspects of water stress and will increase local ownership and participation in evaluating and developing strategies to decrease water stress.
Project / SEI has been commissioned to undertake a project that underpins a UN-led effort to accelerate achievement of Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.
2020 - 2023 / About Sustainable Development Goals
Tool / The Water Evaluation and Planning tool (WEAP) provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis in water resources planning.
About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Tool / WEAP proporciona un marco integral, flexible y fácil de usar para el análisis de políticas en la planeación de recursos hídricos.
About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Feature / SEI Senior Scientist Chuck A. Young explains why California saw severe water shortages this year and how better forecasting can help alleviate those challenges.
29 November 2021 / About Adaptation, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Feature / More than 100 updates to SEI's water modelling tool will bring faster and more precise results for its 40 000 users.
5 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Journal article / This study seeks to analyze conflicts using a disaggregated quantitative approach, to better understand existing and potential water stress.
13 January 2020 / About Water resources
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