We are an international non-profit research institute that tackles environment and development challenges.
We connect science and decision-making to develop solutions for a sustainable future for all.
Our work spans climate, water, air and land-use issues, governance, the economy, gender and health. Stakeholder involvement is at the heart of our efforts to build capacity, strengthen institutions and equip partners for long-term change.
Our knowledge and findings are accessible to decision-makers and civil society: as our own open access material, in leading academic journals, and repackaged for effective decision support.
To promote debate and share knowledge we convene decision-makers, academics and practitioners and engage with policy processes, development action and business practice worldwide.
Photo: Achim Thomae / Getty.
We are:
SEI is a foundation registered under Swedish law, with principal tasks and structure set out in the Government Decision of 18 August 1988.
SEI is a foundation registered under Swedish law with offices in seven countries. We are led by the Board and Executive Director, supported by advisory bodies.
Want to get in touch by email or phone? Find contact details for our people and centres from our contact page.
Our strategy steers our research direction and operational policies in five-year periods.
Join us to shift global policy and practice towards sustainability. We recruit regularly for our centres in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Our consultation responses (in Swedish: remissyttranden) represent SEI’s official position, provided in response to requests.
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