Editor’s choice
Since 2017, SEI has been assisting the California State Water Resources Control Board with implementation of the California Water Action Plan. A goal of the plan is to restore important species and habitat. To that end, SEI is providing expertise in water rights analysis, water allocation modelling, ecosystem impacts and decision support for efforts in the Ventura, South Fork Eel and Shasta River watersheds.
Photo: Charles A. Young / SEI
SEI staff have worked with the state’s water rights database, eWRIMS, to develop the eWRIMS Analyzer tool for rapidly assessing the legally defined water uses in a basin. The eWRIMS Analyzer can identify common data discrepancies, catalog beneficial uses, estimate the monthly legal maximum water use and estimate the monthly reported water use.
With the water use information developed using eWRIMS and other sources, SEI is building the Ventura Water Allocation Model (VWAM) using SEI’s WEAP software. WEAP is ideally suited to studying the impact of in-stream flow requirements on agriculture, cities and other beneficial uses in a watershed. In the development of the model, every water right is explicitly represented, allowing for a detailed assessment of the impact of in-stream flow requirements on water availability for all water users in a basin.
Working with partners at the Water Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, UC Davis, Utah State University and the California Environmental Flows Framework Technical Team, SEI is using the Functional Flows Calculator to develop the in-stream flow regimes within the model. The in-stream flow regimes will be tested in VWAM to determine impacts on other water users and quantify the trade-offs inherent in allocation of limited water supplies. VWAM will explore these tradeoffs under various conditions of changing climate, forest fire effects, and reservoir operations within the Ventura River watershed.
Feature / The eWRIMS Analyzer transforms California’s water rights data into accessible reports on monthly water use in each watershed.
18 August 2021 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI is working with UC Davis and the California State Water Resources Control Board to implement the Drought Emergency Regulation in the Scott River watershed.
2022 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Tool / The Water Evaluation and Planning tool (WEAP) provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis in water resources planning.
About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI is designing water allocation models that explicitly represent every water right and assess the impact of in-stream flow requirements on water users.
2017 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
Project / SEI is developing the Shasta River Water Allocation Model to help evaluate potential management actions in the watershed under the California Water Action Plan.
2017 / About Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Project / SEI researchers work throughout California to model complex water systems and explore sustainable management options.
2019 / About Planning and modelling, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Feature / SEI Senior Scientist Chuck A. Young explains why California saw severe water shortages this year and how better forecasting can help alleviate those challenges.
29 November 2021 / About Adaptation, Food and agriculture, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Water resources
Feature / SEI's flagship water modelling tool helped a San Jose-area water district identify an opportunity to help protected steelhead in the wake of dam construction.
25 August 2021 / About Adaptation and Planning and modelling
Journal article / This article describes the development of a groundwater sustainability plan for California's Yolo County, using a participatory decision-making process.
13 March 2018 / About Planning and modelling and Water resources
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