Stories and news on environment and development issues. Read featured articles on how SEI's research shifts policy and practice towards sustainability.
1103 features / 4 of 123 pages
Feature / Renewable energy finance in Africa faces an uphill battle. With patience and more knowledge sharing, recent encouraging results can continue.
Feature / SEI's Kate Williamson and Rosie Witton discuss new insights about climate change adaptation in mountains, a region of growing policy and research attention.
Feature / Jason Veysey explains how SEI and Morocco created the country's ambitious, long-term, low-emissions development plan, highlighting lessons for other countries.
Feature / Morocco’s 2050 net-zero strategy, supported by SEI, aims to boost GDP, create jobs, and achieve significant environmental and economic benefits.
Feature / SEI experts discuss pressing biodiversity challenges and strategies ahead of COP16 in Colombia.
Feature / Learn how Trase data drives actions to curb deforestation in soy supply chains.
Feature / SEI US formed an agreement with an Ecuadorian university to support the school with watershed modelling for local river basins.
Feature / Andreas Heinemeyer contributed to a recent briefing for the UK parliament, drawing on his expertise in peatland management.
Feature / Trase maps the international trade in cocoa from Côte d’Ivoire revealing which trading companies and consumer markets are most exposed to deforestation.
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