SEI’s global management structure consists of the Executive Team, Centre Directors, the Global Management Committee and the Global Research Committee. Together they support the Executive Director and the Board.
The Executive Team (ET) is the principal management body for SEI’s headquarters. Chaired by the Executive Director, it provides overall direction and leadership on governance, strategy, and the work of SEI’s headquarters. ET also monitors and evaluates progress towards strategic objectives and key performance requirements defined in our long-term strategy and annual work plan.
Executive Team group image
Photo: Christin Philipson
The Centre Directors are responsible for day-to-day management of SEI centres and offices.
The Global Management Committee (GMC) is the principal management body for the global SEI structure, including the seven research centres around the world. Chaired by the Executive Director, GMC develops, and oversees compliance with, overarching global SEI policies, and joint operational and management principles and procedures. GMC supports the Executive Director in developing, implementing, and monitoring SEI’s work and priority-setting to attain the global SEI strategy. GMC also supports and assists Centre Directors and other Directors with operational and strategic management issues as they arise.
The Global Management Committee consists of some members of the Executive Team and all Centre Directors.
The Global Research Committee (GRC) decides on the focus areas of our core funded research, creates space and opportunity for research innovation, and is responsible for internal quality processes for peer review and ethics.
The GRC ensures that we are focused in the right areas and that researchers across our centres have opportunities for synthesis, learning, exchange, and leadership.
Responsibilities include:
The Global Research Committee also guides other SEI-wide functions such as identifying new opportunities for our work.
Head of Knowledge Management, Senior Research Fellow
Global Operations
SEI Headquarters
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