Editor’s choice
BONUS RETURN – reducing emissions by turning nutrients and carbon into benefits – identifies and pilots economically and environmentally efficient technologies. The solutions are socially and politically equitable, contributing to win-win solutions that address interlinked challenges in the Baltic Sea region.
Farmer fertilizing arable land with phosphorus fertilizer. Photo: Oticki /Getty
The pre-existing policy environment in the Baltic Sea region, defined by national interests and implemented within sectoral silos, has historically constrained innovation and implementation of systemic measures to safeguard the fundamental bio-physical basis that sustains 60 million people and 10 nations forming this vibrant region; namely its waters, its land and its air. Existing measures tend to only address challenges within a single sector and/or locality, often leading the translocation of challenges elsewhere in the Baltic Sea Region or the emergence of new challenges in another sector.
This BONUS RETURN project will focus on eco-technologies that reconcile key conflicting challenges inhibiting sustainable development in urban and rural settings within the Baltic Sea Region whilst reducing nutrient enrichment and carbonization in water bodies.
Pilots in Sweden, Finland and Poland will be set up to test the most promising eco-technologies identified by the project. Envisaged project outputs include an evidence-based review of eco-technologies; innovative models comprising both nutrient and carbon cycling; sustainability assessments of selected eco-technologies; policy recommendations for promoting the eco-technologies; and market strategies for the most promising eco-technologies.
SEI is coordinating the project with the following partners:
Other publication / The BONUS RETURN project was exploring the reduction of emissions to the Baltic Sea from agriculture and wastewater.
13 December 2020 / About Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy and Water resources
Past event / Welcome to the BONUS RETURN project's final conference where results, conclusions and recommendations will be presented.
08 September 2020 / About Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy and Water resources
Perspective / Karina Barquet reflects on lessons learned through her work addressing issues confronting the Baltic Sea region in the BONUS RETURN project.
11 December 2020 / About Adaptation, Business, Ecosystems, Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy, Sanitation and Water resources
Press release / Launch of documentary film produced by SEI through the EU co-funded project BONUS RETURN on innovations for recycling nutrients from agriculture and wastewater.
30 January 2020 / About Food and agriculture and Water resources
SEI brief / This brief highlights the potential for upscaling gypsum use in the Baltic Sea Region as a promising component of Baltic Sea protection actions.
15 January 2020 / About Cities, Innovation, Public policy and Water resources
SEI brief / This brief looks at how the Słupsk Bioenergy Cluster serves as a living laboratory for small cities seeking to transition to a circular economy model.
15 January 2020 / About Business, Cities, Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy, Renewables and Water resources
SEI brief / This brief examines the impact of national policy directives on speeding up the circular economy transition, and their implications on cities such as Uppsala.
15 January 2020 / About Business, Cities, Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy and Water resources
Past event / Ecotechnologies can turn carbon and nutrients into benefits. What would the circular management of nutrients look like in the Baltic Sea Region?
30 January 2020 / About Food and agriculture and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Journal article / This open-access study argues that there is considerable potential to develop a circular economy in phosphorus, but policy support and new research is needed.
17 January 2020 / About Food and agriculture, Pollution and Sanitation
SEI brief / This policy brief responds to the recent government inquiry into phosphorus recycling and the future of agricultural use of sewage sludge in Sweden.
30 January 2020 / About Bioeconomy, Food and agriculture and Innovation
Feature / A circular phosphorus economy is vital to contribute to food security in the EU, but there are still substantial barriers to making this a reality.
10 September 2019 / About Innovation and Water resources
Journal article / Get the protocol for an upcoming systematic review on ecotechnology effectiveness for recovery and reuse of nitrogen and phosphorus from agriculture.
12 August 2019 / About Food and agriculture
Journal article / A systematic map protocol for a study of evidence on ecotechnologies for recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients.
22 January 2019 / About Food and agriculture
Feature / It is important to improve how we capture and reuse phosphorus. It should be on land to produce food rather than letting it enter the sea where it causes harm.
27 March 2019 / About Food and agriculture, Innovation and Water resources
Journal article / This systematic map identifies studies on ecotechnologies for reusing carbon and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from domestic wastewater.
7 January 2019 / About Water resources
Feature / Find out how systematic reviews and systematic maps can minimise bias in evidence synthesis.
21 September 2018 / About Land use and Public policy
Press release / The winners of the BONUS RETURN innovation challenge are Aquacare in the Netherlands, TerraNova in Germany, and Ravita in Finland.
5 April 2018 / About Innovation and Mitigation
Feature / The BONUS RETURN project is offering pre-commercialization support for the best ideas for reducing nutrient and carbon emissions and productive reuse.
14 December 2017 / About Food and agriculture, Water resources and Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Past event / Theme: How can we enable circular innovations to trigger sustainable transformations in the Baltic Sea Region?
30 May 2018
Below is a list of selected outputs from the project.
The full list is available on the BONUS RETURN website.
Project / This project analyzes Swedish citizens’ beliefs, attitudes and policy preferences for wastewater reuse and land application of sewage sludge.
2022 / About Business, Food and agriculture, Innovation, Pollution, Public policy, Sanitation and Water resources
Feature / A look at phosphorus from mine to fork, problems it causes on the ocean and how we can leverage innovation to recover and reuse phosphorus.
22 March 2019 / About Food and agriculture, Innovation, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable lifestyles and Water resources
SEI brief / This brief looks at how the Słupsk Bioenergy Cluster serves as a living laboratory for small cities seeking to transition to a circular economy model.
15 January 2020 / About Business, Cities, Food and agriculture, Innovation, Public policy, Renewables and Water resources
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