40 results / 1 of 5 pages
Project / SEI Tallinn's report summarizes the concept of planetary boundaries and looks into its applicability in Estonia.
Project / The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
Other publication / A set of 116 images can be used with the Resource Flow mapping tool and other sensitization tools in the Clean and Green framework.
Journal article / This paper presents analyses of the economic and environmental impact of relevant phosphorus management policy scenarios.
Journal article / Researchers asked if and to what extent herbivores affect silicon content and silicon:nutrient ratios of grasses found in tundra grasslands.
SEI report / Additional solutions, capacity development and strengthening of governance systems are needed to allow for increased sustainability of the city's sanitation.
Journal article / How do herbivores alter nutrient dynamics in tundra ecosystems by changing the functional composition of plant communities in the short-term?
Journal article / Commercial phytase levels and higher dietary phosphorus (P) contents in pig diets contributed making the plant–soil system more "P-conservative".
Journal article / Background levels of nutrients in soils determine whether manure will lead to phosphorus runoff. Current nitrate guidelines will lead to phosphorus surpluses.
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