SEI US has offices in Somerville, Massachusetts, Davis, California and Seattle, Washington. The center conducts research and engages with decision-makers and civil society on energy, water, and climate policy as well as on broader dimensions of development, sustainability, and equity. It builds capacity through training and collaboration, and its decision-support tools are used widely around the globe. SEI US is a research affiliate of Tufts University in Massachusetts.
SEI US employees share a passion for interdisciplinary, objective research, and analysis focused on pressing environmental and global development challenges.
General questions: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (617) 627-3786
Address: 11 Curtis Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144-1224
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Address: 501 Second Street, Davis, CA 95616
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Address: 1326 Fifth Avenue #640, Seattle, WA 98101
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Our Directors are invited to hold seats on the SEI US Board for three-year renewable terms and are selected for the broad professional experience and perspectives they can bring to the governance of the Institute. Current Directors hold or have held positions in academia, governmental environmental agencies, foundations and other non-profit research organizations.
SEI US is a 501c(3) non-profit research organization. Available below are the latest audited financial statements and the IRS Form 990 tax return. Financial statements for the SEI Foundation in Sweden are available under the About section of this website (see annual reports).
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