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WASH-Flows is an innovative analytical tool that improves the assessment and estimation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) service vulnerabilities at the household and community levels.
Last updated on 16 November 2023
Foto: galleryds/Unsplash
Developed based on the “service ladders” methodology pioneered by UNICEF and WHO, this tool is a game-changer for planners, practitioners, and local governments seeking to evaluate progress towards SDG6 targets, prioritize WASH interventions and include WASH data of rural and peri-urban settings, into watershed management and planning.
Addressing the historical disparity between water and sanitation sectors, WASH-Flows fills a critical data gap, offering a robust methodology for estimating WASH service levels at the community level. By aggregating household data, it provides invaluable insights into community-level WASH service status and quantifies the influence of household-level interventions on water balance, quality, and distribution at a larger scale.
WASH-Flows boasts a user-friendly Microsoft Excel interface, providing comprehensive quantitative analysis and graphical representations of water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions within communities. It can be utilized as a standalone tool or in conjunction with watershed scale modeling tools like WEAP, enhancing its capabilities and delivering precise quantitative results.
With WASH-Flows, decision-makers gain the necessary insights to make informed choices, implement targeted interventions, address inequalities, promote sustainable water resource utilization, and elevate WASH services to new heights of accessibility, availability, and quality for all.
WASH-Flows was developed as part of the Bolivia WATCH (WASH Thinking Connected to Hydrology) Program, with funding from the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
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SEI brief / WASH-Flows is an analytical tool to estimate and assess the vulnerability of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services at the household and community level.
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