“Locating the Unintended Consequences of Interventions”, or LUCI, seeks to aid analysis of how development projects are able to create winners and losers, by assessing their broader consequences in terms of their impacts on existing group-based inequalities.
Unintended consequences of development interventions, particularly in communities with a history of conflict, have been shown to be significant contributors to the exacerbation of conflict potential. Estimates show that two-thirds of the world’s poor will live in fragile and conflict-affected states by 2030, in part due to climate change – which will be responsible for some of the problems interventions will aim to address.
The LUCI tool can be useful in many contexts. Read the recent presentation of the tool with a case study applying it to the potential conflict impacts of a climate change adaptation development intervention in Kenya. The intervention is designed to deliver rural electrification to economically marginalized groups, through the introduction of solar hybrid mini-grids in the northern part of the country.
Oxfam trucked clean water into rural areas of southern Ethiopia in 2011 during a drought. OxFam East Africa (Flickr)
Photo: Oxfam East Africa / flickr
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