Europe’s environmental challenges, such as air pollution and energy transition, are at the forefront of SEI’s research.
2992 results / 1 of 333 pages
Event on 04 September / Join us for a webinar on the EU's new supply chain regulations and learn about their impact on global trade, human rights, and environmental sustainability.
Journal article / This paper examines how UK energy network regulation can be adapted to address the uncertainties posed by net zero climate policy.
Press release / Seven projects that will receive funding from the Ecological Citizen(s) Network+ to explore "Ecological Citizenship" have been announced.
Feature / Veronica Arpintin discusses Moldova's path to EU accession through environmental policy, and the challenges and opportunities presented along the way.
Journal article / Researchers use experiences and learning from use in three distinct geographical and developmental contexts to create a new Tandem framework.
Other publication / Researchers working with UKRI's Transforming Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub have collated findings and key messages from interviewees.
Feature / In this Q&A, Rachel Pateman, a Research Fellow at SEI York, discusses the importance of inclusivity in volunteer biological recording.
Feature / Explore key takeaways on how young people can combat air pollution and climate change.
Perspective / SEI Tallinna osalusel valminud värske uuring kirjeldab nelja arengustsenaariumi Baltimaade ja Soome gaasituru dekarboniseerimiseks.
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