817 press / 3 of 91 pages
Media coverage / Sveriges klimatpolitik kan bli mer accepterad genom satsning på kollektivtrafik, stöd för laddstationer och elbilar, skriver sex forskare från SEI på DN Debatt.
Media coverage / The Guardian cites SEI's Rasmus Kløcker Larsen on a study about how developer contracts affect Sami reindeer herders in Sweden.
Media coverage / SEI Asia's Minh Tran discusses the E-Sak Ka Ou Declaration, emphasizing Indigenous People's rights as a critical component of climate action.
Press release / Sel kevadel osalevad Tallinna ja Viimsi koolide toitlustajad koolitusel, et pakkuda õpilastele tervislikumat ja jätkusuutlikumat toitu.
Press release / A tool, which is helping to monitor decarbonization in the cement industry, has now been expanded to include the production of calcined clays – a key cement decarbonization solution.
Press release / The new collaborative effort seeks to strengthen innovation, research and environmental sustainability in East Africa.
Media coverage / I en intervju i DI kommenterar SEI:s Maltais och Nykvist avtal och investeringar i ny teknik för att öka takten i omställningen.
Press release / SEI will join a research partnership to aid vital decision-making in the Yorkshire and Humber region, announced this press release from the University of Leeds.
Media coverage / In an article by Nation, SEI Africa's Anderson Kehbila speaks on the importance of value addition by farmers.
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