A clean, affordable, reliable supply of energy for basic needs is widely seen as a necessary for lifting people out of poverty and improving well-being. SEI examines how energy needs for human and economic development can be met in a way that is compatible with long-term sustainable development.
240 results / 27 of 27 pages
Project / Examining the implications of "energy for all", beyond basic access to providing electricity and modern fuels for productive uses everywhere in the world
Project / Developing a national sustainable commercial medium-scale biogas digester market to provide Vietnam with sustainable energy
Other publication / This report examines obstacles and solutions related to rural electrification in four countries in East Africa.
Project / An agriculture-environment partnership for a healthy Baltic Sea and competitive Baltic Sea regions.
Project / Looking at challenges of increasing access to energy services needed to realise the MDGs and the environmental and public health impacts related
Other publication / This is a joint research project by Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) and SEI on local management of rural power supply.
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