10 publications / 1 of 1 pages
SEI brief / Este documento presenta una versión actualizada del marco L&V y de las herramientas de apoyo basadas en una experiencia piloto en Burkina Faso.
SEI brief / WASH-Flows is an analytical tool to estimate and assess the vulnerability of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services at the household and community level.
SEI brief / WASH-Flows es una herramienta analítica que permite estimar y evaluar la vulnerabilidad de los servicios de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH).
Other publication / This systematic evidence synthesis collated evidence on the impact of WASH interventions on GESI outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
Other publication / This evidence brief provides policy-relevant insights from a comprehensive mapping of evidence of GESI outcomes related to WASH interventions.
Journal article / This review collates the literature on GESI outcomes in the context of WASH interventions and highlights knowledge gaps and clusters in the evidence base.
Journal article / This study is one of the first to assess the relationship between women's empowerment and participation in community-managed water and sanitation.
SEI brief / A new tool developed by SEI's Bolivia WATCH team integrates sanitation and hygiene considerations into watershed planning.
SEI report / This SEI report outlines issues that stakeholders in water, sanitation and energy services believe are holding back uptake of promising gridless technologies.
Journal article / This protocol explains the approach of a review looking at evidence on the gender and social equality outcomes of complex WASH interventions.
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