The Arctic is changing rapidly, with profound implications for social and ecological systems. SEI research seeks to understand the drivers, and implications, of these changes.
125 results / 6 of 14 pages
Perspective / As we decarbonize our energy system, we must also address the harmful public health and environmental impacts of oil and gas extraction.
Journal article / The safe operating space of the novel entities planetary boundary is exceeded, as annual production and releases are faster than global assessment capacity.
Journal article / How do herbivores alter nutrient dynamics in tundra ecosystems by changing the functional composition of plant communities in the short-term?
Other publication / The authors present key findings and policy recommendations to protect Arctic wetlands, as wildlife habitats, carbon storage and more.
Journal article / The effectiveness systematic review assesses the overall impact of residential energy efficiency, including installations and behaviour interventions.
Past event / This event takes up why wetlands are a key for climate change and traditional livelihoods and discusses strengthening their restoration and conservation.
Perspective / Effective stewardship of Arctic wetlands, including conservation and restoration efforts, can buy time by contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation.
Media coverage / SEI's Executive Director Måns Nilsson comments on the new IPCC Climate report on CNBC's morning show, stating that it is a big warning signal to world leaders.
Journal article / Read about a new framework that can help to understand the impacts of climate change across national borders.
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