Well-being is increasingly recognised as a major sustainability challenge. SEI applies innovative methods to measure the well-being effects of green space, urban design and other factors.
236 results / 3 of 27 pages
Project / 15-minute cities propose urban redesigns aiming to cut carbon emissions and improve quality of life.
Media coverage / The high-altitude areas of Kenya are prime training grounds for athletes. However, human activities have resulted to deforestation in these areas.
Journal article / Expanding accessible mobility solutions and improving the climate resilience of transport can help address issues of inclusion and equity in African cities.
Other publication / Thirty-seven actions in five key sectors could be the key to tackling climate change and air pollution in Africa simultaneously.
Other publication / This report focuses on the potential environmental, health, social and animal welfare implications of the uptake of novel meat and dairy alternatives.
Feature / SEI scientists weigh in on the new UNEP report exploring potential effects of some novel alternatives to conventional animal products, which launched at COP28.
Project / SEI Asia led discussions at the UNEP’s Environmental Horizon Scanning on foresight and future planning.
Perspective / Researchers call for a renewed focus on animal welfare and the ethical price being paid for a narrow and inattentive focus on emissions reduction.
Media coverage / SEI Scientist Emily Ghosh weighs in on the Guardian's series on "the great carbon divide," which sources data from SEI's Emissions Inequality Dashboard.
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