Technical "solutions" for human health or the environment introduced through development interventions, such as clean cookstoves, often fail to take hold because people never truly embrace them. SEI explores individual and household behaviour to better understand how and why people take up new technologies.
340 results / 4 of 38 pages
Feature / This Q&A sheds light on the links between menstrual health, hygiene and environmental sustainability.
Journal article / This research note was published under SOJOURN, an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of social and cultural issues in Southeast Asia.
Past event / SEI was at the 3rd International Forum on Transboundary Air Pollution on data science for air policies in Northeast Asia on UN Clean Air Day, 2023.
Project / SEI Tallinn's report summarizes the concept of planetary boundaries and looks into its applicability in Estonia.
Past event / Bringing people and policy together for coherent actions toward achieving Inclusive Circular Economy Transition in South Asia and South-East Asia
Past event / The 33rd International Congress of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research took place in St. Andrews, Scotland.
Journal article / This article identifies opportunities for local governments in Sweden and beyond to play a prominent role in the transition to sustainable consumption.
Tool / TR2AIL is an online tool that helps organizations and individuals track, report, reflect on, and take actions to reduce their travel-related emissions.
Journal article / The authors argued that consistent messaging is key to creating habitual and universal pro-environmental behaviours.
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