This paper explores different stakeholders’ perceptions of promising climate-smart agriculture (CSA) initiatives within five selected European production systems as well as their perceptions of barriers and drivers for adoption: wheat production in Lithuania, potato and onion production in the Netherlands, pig production in Denmark, apple production in Spain, and organic dairy production in Germany.
Dutch farmland with tractor planting potatoes between tulip fields and wind turbines
Photo: kruwt / Getty Images
The adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a critical component in the transition to a more sustainable food system. However, the transition calls for significant changes in the food production system, in which stakeholders in the supply chain should work collaboratively. So far, most studies have focused on the perceptions of one actor, the farmer, on implementation of CSA practices. This study aims to include also other stakeholders’ perceptions on drivers and barriers to CSA implementation in the primary production for five European food supply chains. Data were collected from stakeholders using a semi-structured interview guide, including farmers, producers and manufacturers, advisory service providers, advocacy institutions, policy officers, researchers, and consultants. The top three drivers to foster the adoption of CSA practices within the five food supply chains touched on economic, institutional and policy, as well as personal and psychological factors. Similarly, the top three barriers limiting adoption of CSA practices were seen to be economic, technology-related aspects, and institutional and policy factors. According to the stakeholders, addressing these barriers requires financial support, policy changes, and capacity-building efforts to make these practices attractive especially to farmers. They also emphasized that improved coordination among stakeholders, incentives for sustainable practices and customized strategies for communicating and disseminating CSA information can help catalyse effective understanding and implementation of CSA practices.
This study is an output of the Behavioural Change Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture (BEATLES) project.
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