Join this hybrid online and in-person side event to the UN 2023 Water Conference on 24 March, which will showcase a few innovative methods to disaggregate water stress (SDG 6.4.2) and its components at catchment and river basin level, through the presentation of a few case studies prepared in various countries following different methodologies. SEI’s Annette Huber-Lee joins the discussion panel.
Photo: Ze Martinusso / Getty Images
While at the global level, water stress does not seem to present a serious threat to the sustainability of water withdrawal and use, the situation appears much grimmer if a closer look is given to the status of water resources at basin and sub-basin level. Where data are available, situations of high and very high water stress can be found in many regions across the globe.
Unfortunately, such information is often not available to water managers and decision makers, due both to the scarcity of sufficient data but also to the lack of methods capable to transform the existing data into usable information. Hence, disaggregating water stress is crucial to provide a finer view of both its causes and effects, allowing to target interventions at areas with high water stress and sectors with high water use.
This hybrid online and in-person side event to the UN 2023 Water Conference will show how practitioners can meet SDG 6.4.2 on water stress by examining more local conditions.
11:00–11:10 (EST)
Welcoming remarks
Sasha KooOshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO
Emmanuel Rukundo, Director General, Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB), Rwanda
Keynote Presentation 1: Disaggregation of the level of water stress (SDG 6.4.2) at river basin level: why? How?
Virginie Gillet, Technical Officer, Land and Water Division, FAO
Keynote Presentation 2: The disaggregation of the level of water stress at river basin level in Rwanda: strengths and weaknesses of the applied method and usefulness for decision making
Alsaad Ndayizeye, River Flood Control Specialist, SDG6.4.2 Indicator Focal Point RWB, Rwanda
Discussion Panel:
Emmanuel Rukundo, RWB
Sasha KooOshima, FAO
Date & time
Friday, 24 March, 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
UN Headquarters, Conference Room 11
405 E 42nd St
New York, NY 10017, United States
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