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Foresight: how to use it for a sustainable transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In this webinar, we explored how foresight, the discipline of exploring and anticipating the future in a structured and systemic way. Harnessing strategic foresight allows us to anticipate future challenges and opportunities, guiding us toward sustainable transitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Photo: Bryan Allen/ Getty Images

13 June 2024
Sweden and Online

Watch the recording of the webinar “Global megatrends shaping the future in Bosnia and Herzegovina” with English translation below.

To access the Bosnian version of the webinar, follow this link


Session 1: what is a sustainability transition?
10:00–10:05 Opening remarks by Saša Solujić, Project Manager, SEI
10:05–10:20 The concept of sustainability transitions by Saša Solujić, Project Manager, SEI
10:20–10:30 How do we change the system? by Marcus Carson, Senior Research Fellow, SEI
Session 2: foresight – context and role
  • Introduction to the foresight discipline and its role
  • How can we use foresight to navigate problems
  • Designing alternative pathways for achieving different futures

Presented by Sara Talebian, Research Associate, SEI HQ

Session 3: challenges and barriers of applying foresight methodology
  1. Sara Talebian, Research Associate, SEI HQ
  2. Prof. Dr. Mitar Perušić, Faculty of Technology, Zvornik, University of East Sarajevo
  3. Sanjin Avdić, Senior Programme Coordinator, SEI
11:10–11:20 Q&A session
11:20–11:25 High level recommendations on how to apply foresight for sustainability transitions in BiH
11:25–11:30 Closing remarks


Marcus Carson, Senior Research Fellow at SEI.  

Marcus Carson is a Senior Research Fellow at SEI and his expertise covers belief systems, policy and implementation, social movements and organizational networks. He has worked on issues linking science, policy and practice for some 35 years, and in diverse roles – as an advocate, a practitioner, a policymaker, a teacher and as a researcher. 

Sara Talebian, Research Associate at SEI.  

Sara Talebian is a Research Associate at SEI Headquarters, International Climate Risk and Adaptation Team, Global Agendas, Climate and Systems Division. Her main field of expertise is futures studies and strategic foresight, with an emphasis on exploratory scenarios, horizon scanning, and decision making under uncertainty.  

Prof. Dr. Mitar Perušić, University of Eastern Sarajevo.

Prof. Dr. Perušić is a professor at the Faculty of Technology in Zvornik, University of Eastern Sarajevo. He is a highly experienced environmental expert with extensive experience in strategic planning, local development, energy and environmental management.

Sanjin Avdic, Senior Programme Coordinator at SEI.

Sanjin Avdic is a Senior Programme Coordinator at SEI working for the “Sustainable Transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina” Programme. Sanjin has more than 15 years of experience in the energy and environment sector in the South-East Europe region (Western Balkans) were he has held management and coordination roles in the past.


Saša Solujić, Project Manager at SEI.  

Saša Solujić is a Project Manager at SEI and has over 10 years of experience in the development cooperation arena in the Western Balkans, MENA and ENPI East countries, through multi-lateral agencies. She has extensive experience with the implementation of complex projects and programmes, as well as project development and fundraising.

Sara Talebian
Sara Talebian


SEI Headquarters

Marcus Carson
Marcus Carson


SEI Headquarters

Sanjin Avdic
Sanjin Avdic


SEI Headquarters

Saša Solujić
Saša Solujić


SEI Headquarters

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