Global heating continues to fuel the urgency of adaptation to new climate conditions – namely in the agriculture sector, which must both reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions and adapt its own practices to ensure food security.
In the face of growing global investments in adaptation projects, it is critical to accurately measure their effectiveness to inform policy and practice.
In this CGIAR webinar, experts explore methodologies and tools that measure adaptation effectiveness and resilience with insights from projects supported by IFAD and GEF. Panellists discuss tracking progress, identifying gaps and refining strategies to bolster resilience in relation to the Global Goals on Adaptation.
This webinar was recorded 22 July 2024.
Dr. Aditi Mukherji, Director, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Action Platform, CGIAR
Dr. Jyotsna Puri, Associate Vice President, Strategy and Knowledge Department, IFAD
Dr. Ed Carr, US Centre Director, SEI
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