The sustainable consumption and production (SCP) group sits within the York centre of the Stockholm Environment Institute.
We work to link environmental, social and economic impacts of production to the consumption activities that drive them, to provide useful contextualized data and information for governments, policy makers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), industry and the public.
Our sustainable consumption and production team has a broad range of backgrounds and expertise, including geography, biology, ecology, mathematics and modelling.
Core components of our research are the development of methods to model and map supply chains, the development of indicators and metrics for quantifying and communicating associated impacts and risks, and developing systems-level understanding of the sustainability problem spaces related to food and other agricultural commodities.
We work across a range of exciting and diverse projects which complement and build on our holistic approach to understanding complex global systems.
Aerial view of container ship in sea.
Photo: MAGNIFIER / Getty Images
Feature / A UK Parliament Committee has carried out a review of how the country contributes to global deforestation, highlighting research performed by Trase and SEI.
Press release / A groundbreaking study mapping rubber-related deforestation in Southeast Asia shows forest loss is far greater than previously understood.
Feature / Expanding the PRINCE model to include impacts associated with fisheries production, the use of chemicals, impacts to biodiversity and tropical deforestation.
Feature / SEI partnered with Colombia to raise the country's sights on climate change and improve health to set an ambitious and achievable target to reduce black carbon.
Other publication / Researchers working with UKRI's Transforming Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub have collated findings and key messages from interviewees.
Past event / Trase will run two three-hour dialogue sessions at the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum on deforestation and regulatory and voluntary requirements on 20–21 June 2022.
Tool / This new public dashboard can be used to visualize and interact with data on the global environmental impacts of consumption.
Project / CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies – an EU H2020 project assessing the interconnected impacts of climate change.
Project / The TR2AIL project aims to develop a prototype tool to support sustainable decision-making around air travel.
Project / Assessing trade in agricultural commodities e.g. palm oil and soybean production in environments at risk.
Tool / Trase enables governments, companies and others to address the environmental impacts of supply chains.
Design and development by Soapbox.