SEI marked the 20th anniversary of the Oxford Centre and the 15th anniversary of weADAPT with an event that addressed goals for adaptation, barriers to adaptation, and ideas to achieve greater progress.
Photo: Marcus Rose for SEI.
Video: SEI / YouTube.
The event featured diverse and leading voices in adaptation from around the world. In the opening session, panellists presented diverse ideas about the main goals for adaptation, the key barriers to adaptation and ways to achieve progress on the agenda.
Participants included:
Another group held a lively, intergenerational chat around the “electronic campfire”. The voices of experience were represented by two experts who have been working on adaptation-related causes globally throughout their careers; the voices of the up-and-coming generation were represented by two young people who have been active in research and in championing both social justice and greater inclusion of youth in climate change-related decision-making globally.
Participants included:
Bakhtaoui, Carew-Jones, Tall and Klein. Photo: Marcus Rose for SEI.
Other expert panellists participated in the event through pre-recorded interviews. They are:
In the video, they respond to questions about the main goals for adaptation, the key barriers, and ways to achieve progress in adapting to climate change.
Video: SEI / YouTube.
Word cloud of barriers to adaptation as offered at the event by the audience. Source: Robin Hocquet for SEI.
Word cloud of ideas offered at the event by the audience as ways to achieve progress in climate change adaptation. Source: Robin Hocquet for SEI.
Past event / An event examining "The Future of Adaptation" marked the 20th annniversary of SEI Oxford and the 15th anniversary of weADAPT, its global adaptation platform.
Feature / As weADAPT celebrates its 15th anniversary, we look at how the community helps compare and assess global projects facing similar challenges and find solutions.
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