Editor’s choice
The EU-funded Horizon Europe project, DIRECTED, seeks to reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events, and to foster disaster-resilient societies. The project aims to design a new system that integrates climate risk-assessment tools, disaster-warning systems and disaster-communication approaches. The goal is to help emergency agencies better prepare for and respond to such crises.
Sukaina Bharwani / sukaina.bharwani@sei.orgJanne Parviainen / janne.parviainen@sei.org
The flooded Danube River in Budapest. Photo: sndr / Getty Images.
The EU-funded Horizon Europe DIRECTED project seeks to create disaster and climate resilient European societies by enhancing the interoperability of data systems, knowledge, and communication between stakeholders engaged in risk governance. It aims to harmonize their ability to act and exchange information by overcoming silos between different sectors of science and practice and leverages existing capacities to reduce fragmentation within the domains of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).
The complexity of disaster risks and the effects of climate change across Europe are challenges which require systemic solutions and transformational learning toward resilience. To achieve this, interdisciplinary collaboration, inclusive governance, and strong relationships are required to enable more democratic risk management across scales. Furthermore, improved access to contextually relevant information is needed to support the ability of stakeholders and people to understand existing hazards and future scenarios through integrated climate data, therefore broadening the available options for managing current and future risks.
Against this backdrop, the DIRECTED project utilizes state-of-the art risk management tools and approaches and the principles of co-production to test and establish new best practices through Real World Labs placed in strategic locations across Europe. Stakeholders from the Rhine-Erft Region, Capital Region of Denmark, Emilia Romagna and the Danube Region will lead this process with the support of DIRECTED partners, in efforts to build bridges between different domains and disciplines toward interdisciplinary risk management solutions. The project will also support the development of an integrated Data Fabric, which connects currently available information and models under one umbrella. This will strengthen the synergies between disaster data and climate services and secures the availability of data to decision makers and practitioners on the ground.
Specifically, DIRECTED commitments seek to:
The DIRECTED project provides an opportunity to advance several signature areas of SEI research regarding co-production, climate services and knowledge management.
It will advance the Tandem framework and related guidance to support the application of Risk-Tandem.
Feature / The SEI Initiative on Climate Services generated new insights about co-design and co-production proocesses to integrate climate science into adaptation policy.
18 May 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services, Disaster Risk and Participation
Furthermore, it will advance the work started in PLACARD on transforming knowledge management using taxonomies.
Project / This project will establish a comprehensive coordination and knowledge exchange platform for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
2015 - 2020 / About Adaptation and Disaster Risk
Other publication / This report suggests ways to improve knowledge management for the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities.
6 May 2020 / About Adaptation and Disaster Risk
DIRECTED also connects to activities under the EU-funded MAIA project to leverage synergies between existing Horizon Europe initiatives.
Project / MAIA is an EU Horizon Europe project that seeks to expand the impact and uptake of European climate research.
2022 - 2025 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Disaster Risk
DIRECTED will also develop and scale up the Connectivity Hub by linking to the Data Fabric architecture.
Design and development by Soapbox.