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Introducing an upgraded, eco-conscious weADAPT

weADAPT – SEI’s global, online platform and network for climate change adaptation – has undergone a makeover that gives it a new look, improved technological features and an innovative, eco design.

Karen Brandon, Alice Chautard / Published on 22 January 2024
A screenshot shows the new look of weADAPT.

A screenshot shows the new look of weADAPT.

Launched by SEI in 2007, weADAPT has become one of the world’s leading and longest-running user-led platforms and networks for climate change adaptation. It brings together a dynamic, global community of more than 7,000 users and nearly 5,000 organizations, all involved with climate change adaptation research, policy and practice.

The upgrade allows weADAPT to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies to help users learn from one another, share information and experiences, and make connections with other people and organizations working on climate change adaptation.

The upgraded website adds new technological features:

  • An “eco-conscious” design. Users can select “green” settings to reduce energy and data consumption across the site. New options for “dark-mode” and low-quality-image settings  reduce energy use and increase accessibility for those who have low or unreliable internet access and connectivity.
  • A global map of case studies. The continuously updated map shows users who is doing adaptation work, where it is taking place, and what issues are being addressed. Users can search the map both by topic and by geographic area to find what interests them.
  • Bookmark options. Users can bookmark content, follow and message peers, and find the most popular topics emerging in the climate change adaptation community.
  • Sharing options. Users now have ways to share more information about events, blog posts, articles and geo-located case studies.
  • Additional language options. Content from weADAPT is available to read in more than 100 languages.
  • Enhanced weADAPT microsite services. weADAPT has long offered microsite services to help organizations and networks build customized websites. These can now be undertaken more quickly than was previously possible. Microsites give users unique website design, branding and domains – all powered by the same state-of-the-art tools and technologies that underpin the weADAPT platform.

Accelerating action

“The upgrade is part of our efforts to continue to co-develop weADAPT to ensure that it is an up-to-date, dynamic space to help accelerate urgently needed action on climate change adaptation,” said Sukaina Bharwani, SEI Senior Research Fellow and a co-founder of weADAPT. “The longstanding mission of weADAPT to be a ‘go-to’ source of information on adaptation remains unchanged. But the new technologies allow us to better respond to evolving user needs, create more connections,  and provide access to more people and organizations around the world.”

How can you use weADAPT?

Learn: As a visitor or user on weADAPT, you can access the whole platform for free.  weADAPT is designed to help you learn about key climate adaptation-related issues whether you are an expert in the field or someone who is new to the issue. The platform brings information to you in an intelligent and personalized way, organizing information under themes, networks, categories, and using linked tags (or keywords) to integrate collective knowledge in meaningful ways. The upgraded site improves weADAPT’s responsiveness to your needs and interests, allowing you to access trending topics, bookmark content to read later, and choose your language.

Share: Once you are a user, sharing content on weADAPT is easy. You can add and share information about your organization, latest project, reports, open-access journal articles, case studies, events, blogs, and courses. Our knowledge management team co-develops the content into digestible summaries. Our network of editors reviews these materials to ensure the clarity and quality of the content.

Connect: Based on your profile description, interests, and the work you publish, weADAPT links you with new knowledge and other climate adaptation professionals. This helps you to find and connect with people doing similar work. You can follow and send direct messages to users. You can post comments and use forums to ask or answer questions, share announcements, and offer reflections within the weADAPT global community.

In the Katfoura village on the Tristao Islands in Guinea, the civil society organization Partenariat Recherches Environnement Medias (PREM) is providing rural women with new opportunities to generate income and improve community life.

Women on the Tristao Islands in Guinea plant, grow and sell moringa to improve biodiversity, prevent soil erosion, and generate income through a cooperative financed by Partenariat Recherches Environnement Medias (PREM) and the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality. weADAPT contains related themes: “Gender and Social Equality“, and “Climate, Food Security and Agriculture” and “Small Islands and Climate Change“. Photo: UN Women / Joe Saade / Flickr

Photo: UN Women / Joe Saade / Flickr

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