The Gender Cluster works to advance gender and social equality at the nexus of environment, development and sustainability. Oriented to informing, enabling and catalyzing transformative change, the diverse team draws on current and emerging theory and methodologies to undertake high quality, applied research on drivers, policies, practices, and outcomes.
Photo by Sephen Leonardi Unsplash
We work closely with our partners in every aspect of our work. Our collaborations span grassroots civil society, to government, private sector, academia, international and national nongovernmental organizations, philanthropic and national funding agencies, as well as United Nations agencies and regional bodies. These partnerships help policy agendas put equality at the forefront, support evidence-based decision making, and enable partners to be current and confident in their knowledge and investments in this area.
To learn more about our areas of work, current projects and policy impact, please download the flyer.
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