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Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine pursue innovative growth strategies to address climate change, build resilient and sustainable economies, and promote better health and wellbeing.
Our project supports Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia in their journey towards climate neutrality through green transition. Together with participating countries, it aims to create green transition roadmaps in each country paving a way to planning and mobilizing investments for building modern, sustainable economies and improving citizen’s health, well-being and security.
The project’s thematic focus revolves around a holistic approach to achieve climate neutrality, closely aligned with the principles of the European Green Deal. It aims to tackle key focus areas and crosscutting aspects, such as finance, digitalization, and social impacts. These include climate action, clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, sustainable food, sustainable mobility, preserving biodiversity and zero pollution.
In-person participants at the GA GUMA launch event in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Photo: Valentin Gonchar.
Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia are determined to address climate change through adopting sustainable practices. To achieve this objective, we aim to enhance their policy compatibility with the EU framework – commonly known as the European Green Deal, thereby facilitating the process of potential EU membership or integration. Our initiative will also help the countries to fulfil their commitments under the Paris agreement.
Our project commences by conducting comprehensive national green transition assessments, followed by the development of tailored green transition roadmaps for each country. Additionally, we will actively engage in raising awareness on the advantages and pressing need for a green transition; and foster knowledge-sharing and collaboration among the participating countries, regional organizations, donors, and other stakeholders.
Press release / Today, with the launch of the Green Agenda for Georgia project, Georgia takes a significant step toward both climate neutrality and European integration.
19 December 2023 / About Climate policy, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Sustainable lifestyles
Press release / Today, the "Green Agenda for Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine" was launched in Kyiv, paving the way for future EU accession.
23 October 2023 / About Climate policy, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Sustainable lifestyles
Press release / The project “Green Agenda for Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine” was launched in October 2023 to support Moldova’s green transition to climate neutrality.
13 October 2023 / About Climate policy, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Sustainable lifestyles
Press release / Today, SEI and Sida, in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Armenia, have officially initiated the Green Agenda project in Yerevan.
21 December 2023 / About Climate policy, Planning and modelling, Public policy and Sustainable lifestyles
Head of Unit, Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)
SEI Tallinn
Head of Unit, Senior Expert (Sustainable Cities and Resilient Communities Unit)
SEI Tallinn
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2019 - 2023 / About Public policy
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2024 / About Energy access and Planning and modelling
Project / The UA-GRIDEX project assists Ukrainian energy planners in enhancing the region's energy system's resilience through decentralisation and digitalisation.
2024 / About Energy access and Planning and modelling
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