Bhupender Yadav, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Labour and Employment, India, and Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden at the LeadIT COP28 Summit on 9 December 2023. Photo: SEI / Flickr.
Editor’s choice
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) gathers countries and companies that are committed to reaching net zero carbon emissions from industry by 2050. SEI serves as LeadIT’s Secretariat.
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) was launched by the governments of India and Sweden at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in September 2019 and is supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF). LeadIT brings together countries and companies that are committed to action to achieve the Paris Agreement and is grounded in the conviction that partnership between the public and private sectors is key to achieving the industrial transition.
Industry currently accounts for roughly 30% of global CO2 emissions and industry actors will have to reduce emissions sharply to achieve global climate goals. All LeadIT members subscribe to the notion that energy-intensive industry can and must progress on low-carbon pathways, aiming to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Bhupender Yadav, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Labour and Employment, India, and Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden at the LeadIT COP28 Summit on 9 December 2023. Photo: SEI / Flickr.
At COP28, the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) initiated its second phase, LeadIT 2.0, marking a joint commitment by member countries and companies to shape policy frameworks and international cooperation for an inclusive industry transition.
LeadIT’s three-year Mission Statement, adopted at the annual LeadITSummit at COP28, outlined the group’s strategic direction for the next phase which will focus on global dialogue, technology collaboration, and fostering industry transition partnerships.
Feature / The India-Sweden Industry Transition Partnership, launched at COP28 to accelerate the decarbonization of heavy industry, held its first meeting in April.
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Read all LeadIT Insights at industrytransition.org/insights.
LeadIT carries out analysis to improve the collective understanding of the opportunities and challenges in industry transitions. It looks at global examples of industry transitions, as well as at key policy and industry levers to facilitate and manage transitions. LeadIT supports governments and industries to co-produce stakeholder-led pathways to low-carbon industry transformation. It also provides actionable measures on innovation and finance and gives a platform for sharing know-how.
LeadIT provides an arena for public-private collaboration and sectoral and cross-sectoral learning. It enables collaboration between political and industry decision makers by convening high level dialogues to catalyse leadership. It delivers a platform for sharing know-how on innovation opportunities and new technologies.
The management board is made up of representatives from Sweden, India and the World Economic Forum. A technical and expert committee made up of representatives from LeadIT members advises the board. The board approves new company members and decides on the workplan of the secretariat. The secretariat which is responsible for managing the work of the leadership group is hosted by SEI.
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