Kenya has been a partner of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) since 2014 and has been selected to receive institutional strengthening support provided by the Supporting National Action and Planning Initiative (SNAP) of CCAC. On behalf of CCAC, UNEP is cooperating with SEI to support the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Kenya under SNAP and will implement the project for the ministry through the Climate Change Directorate in collaboration with the CCAC Secretariat.
Kenya enacted a Climate Change Act in 2016. This act requires the government to develop five-year National Climate Change Action Plans (NCCAP) to guide the mainstreaming of adaptation and mitigation actions into sector functions of the national and county governments.
NCCAP 2018–2022 aims to further Kenya’s development goals by providing mechanisms and measures to achieve low carbon climate resilient development in a manner that prioritizes adaptation. This plan builds on the first action plan (2013–2017) and provides a framework for Kenya to deliver on its nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Busy street in Kisumu, Kenya. Photo: Lawrence Nzuve / SEI.
In line with the purpose of the CCAC’s SNAP initiative, activities under this project aim to:
1. Increased awareness and capacity at national level on short-lived climate pollutants:
2. An action plan on short-lived climate pollutants for Kenya is developed that outlines the major sources at national level, the priority sectors and key actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants, and proposes a mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of these actions and track progress in reducing emissions.
3. SLCP mitigation and air pollution abatement actions are integrated in ongoing national planning processes.
4. A road map for the development of a national air quality management strategy and action plan is developed.
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