Thanapon Piman is a Senior Research Fellow with SEI Asia.
He has more than 15 years of academic and professional experience in the fields of hydrology, water resources planning and modelling, sustainable irrigation and hydropower development, and climate change adaptation.
Prior to joining SEI, he was with the Mekong River Commission (MRC) during 2007-2010 as a Senior Water and Modelling Specialist under the MRC Basin Development Plan Programme (BDP) and during 2013-2015 as a Technical Advisor/Water and Climate Change Specialist under the Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) for sustainable water resources development and management in the Mekong Basin.
His technical work focused on assessing impacts of water resources development and climate change on water and water-related sectors in the Mekong River Basin using Decision Support Framework (DSF), remote sensing and GIS tools, developing irrigation and hydropower database, climate change monitoring and capacity building on scenario-based planning and water resources modelling. He has also been involved in formulating the IWRM-based basin development strategies for Lower Mekong Basin 2011 and the draft Mekong Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. He has extensive experience in collaborative projects with academics, experts and policy makers in Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China and Myanmar.
Dr.Thanapon was a Research Assistant during his Master’s and Doctoral studies. He was a post-doctoral fellow in water resources from 2011-2012 under the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and worked on the research project entitled “River at Risk: Modeling and Monitoring the Potential Impacts of Large-Scale Disruptions and Climate Change to the Hydrological Cycles of the Mekong River Basin on Biodiversity and Natural Systems”. He became a research associate from 2013-2015 under the research project “Critical Basin at Risk: Assessing and managing ecosystem pressures from development and climate change in the 3S basin”.
Recently, he worked as a researcher with Khon Kaen University, Thailand under the project titled “Potential Changes in Water Balance, Flood and Drought Situation in Huay Luang Watershed Under Climate Change” funded by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF).
Thanapon holds a Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering and Management from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2007, a M.E in Water Resources Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2003, and a B.E in Civil Engineering from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (with first class honors) in 2000.
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