Editor’s choice
This project aims to investigate trade-offs between water use, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with soy and beef commodity production and exports from Brazil.
Photo: Ricardo Lima / Getty Images.
The production and trade of soy and beef from Brazil is linked to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity. These impacts motivate existing zero-deforestation commitments from countries and companies, but the effects of such commitments on local water use and scarcity are poorly understood.
One of the main pathways for achieving deforestation-free supply chains is to intensify agricultural production – a process which can be highly demanding on water resources. Brazilian soybeans rely almost entirely on rainfall whose magnitude can decrease with upwind deforestation and increase with upwind irrigation; a growing Brazilian cattle population will require an increasing amount of drinking water typically stored in farm impoundments on the landscape.
This project explores the links between the global trade of Brazilian soy and beef commodities, water use and water scarcity, and policies designed to improve the sustainability of supply chains (particularly zero-deforestation commitments).
Our work also seeks to use Trase to highlight the links between water use for soy and beef and commodity exports from Brazil, and the effects of land use and land use change on regional precipitation.
Funder: Formas
Partner: Stockholm Resilience Centre
Photo: Alfribeiro / Getty Images.
SEI brief / Deforestation is not the only factor that should be considered in a crop's environmental footprint. Water use is often overlooked in agricultural policy.
2 May 2022 / About Business, Food and agriculture, Forests, Land use, Public policy, Supply Chains and Water resources
Tool / Trase enables governments, companies and others to address the environmental impacts of supply chains.
About Forests and Supply Chains
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Design and development by Soapbox.