In the run-up to the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference, UN Secretary General António Guterres stressed the importance for it to be “the place for action on loss and damage“.
In the second episode of SEI’s Now & Then podcast, Paul Chukwuma of the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition shares what Loss and Damage means to youths, while SEI Research Associate Inès Bakhtaoui and Associate Scientist Zoha Shawoo provide insights on what Loss and Damage is, and how to operationalize its finance.
The podcast is hosted by Senior Communications Officer Andrea Lindblom and curated by Communications Officer Ng’endo Machua-Muniu.
Floods in Pakistan have destroyed more than 1.5 million homes, and affected more than 33 million people. Photo: Abdul Majeed Goraya / IRIN / Flickr.
The podcast includes perspectives from Paul Chukwuma of the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition in Rwanda, while SEI US Associate Scientist Zoha Shawoo and SEI Oxford Research Associate Inès Bakhtaoui give their insights on what Loss and Damage is and how to operationalize its finance.
Outside of negotiations, the real world offers many examples, such as when an unprecedented heat wave hit India and Pakistan earlier in 2022 coupled with a drought. These meteorological events cause crops to fail and humans to struggle to find water.
From mid-June to the end of August, it was again Pakistan that was hit by record-breaking monsoon rainfall the rains and floods destroyed more than 1.5 million homes, thousands of kilometres of roads, more than 200 bridges and more than 1000 health facilities. In one way or another, this weather event affected more than 33 million people and nearly 1500 people lost their lives.
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