11 results / 1 of 2 pages
Journal article / This article examines the tensions around opening a large lithium mine in northern Portugal in the context of the EU's green mining policy.
Project / C-SINK aims to transform the CDR market in Europe, focusing on innovation and sustainability to achieve net negative CO2 emissions.
Past event / This event will focus on how to incorporate the circular economy principles and criteria on the strategic level in local municipalities.
Project / Regions4Climate will implement innovative actions to enhance climate resilience within the real-life environments of partner regions.
Perspective / Post-COP27, Fergus Green and SEI's Harro van Asselt offer ways to advance efforts to develop an international agreement to restrict and phase out fossil fuels.
Feature / Partnerships between the scientific, policy and private sectors are key to facilitate the commercialization of research and innovation in the blue economy.
SEI report / This report provides a coherent picture of SEI-wide engagement on the circular economy and offers future directions for the research agenda.
Project / A consortium of thirteen European organisations supports the European Environment Agency in sustainability transitions.
Press release / Kenya, Canada, Japan and Portugal hosted a high-level blue economy side event in New York to launch an SEI-authored sustainable blue economy book.
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