27 results / 1 of 3 pages
Perspective / There is a feasible path to decarbonise the gas sectors of the Baltic states and Finland by 2050 or earlier.
Journal article / This paper explores different stakeholders’ perceptions of promising climate-smart agriculture initiatives within 5 European production systems.
Project / Change(K)now! promotes a mindset change of municipalities, food delivery businesses, and residents to adopt circular solutions in food delivery systems.
Project / The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
Feature / The surge in tourism leads to seasonal fluctuations in wastewater generation, overwhelming the coastal wastewater treatment systems during the summer season.
Past event / This event will focus on how to incorporate the circular economy principles and criteria on the strategic level in local municipalities.
Project / AgroMixNorth offers springboards for resilient cropping systems that provide nutritious food and income to farmers while increasing below-ground carbon storage.
Project / BaltiPlast aims to foster the prevention and reduction of single-use plastics and plastic packaging in the Baltic Sea Region.
Project / The NURSECOAST-II project aims to better adapt wastewater treatment systems to a high seasonality in tourist spots and improve the status of the Baltic Sea.
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