12 results / 1 of 2 pages
Feature / A recent SEI webinar provided a deep dive into the future of ocean-based renewable energy.
Feature / The European Union is not prepared to manage cascading climate risks. Researchers share key recommendations for EU policy makers to build climate resilience.
Other publication / This report is presenting the results of the mapping study of existing school food systems in 12 EU countries.
Project / C-SINK aims to transform the CDR market in Europe, focusing on innovation and sustainability to achieve net negative CO2 emissions.
Other publication / SEI research and tools have contributed to this Trase report for the Belgian government.
Project / Regions4Climate will implement innovative actions to enhance climate resilience within the real-life environments of partner regions.
SEI brief / Deforestation is not the only factor that should be considered in a crop's environmental footprint. Water use is often overlooked in agricultural policy.
Past event / Join SEI's and SweDev's dialogue on development research and storytelling with illustrator Coralie Legrand.
SEI brief / The ClimVis Europe project shows that climate information must be presented in more effective ways to users to reduce climate risks and support adaptation.
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