It is once again time for Focali members, partners and friends in our wider community to meet around current interlinked forest, climate and livelihood challenges. The Focali annual meeting, to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden on 1–2 December, is the first in-person annual meeting since the memorable Focali 10-year anniversary meeting held in 2019. The main conference day, 1 December 2022, will include thematic talk-sessions that provide an opportunity for you to share your research or work.
Photo: Nanang Sujana / CIFOR / Flickr.
The overall theme for the annual meeting is “research for impact in policy and practice – how to translate science into policy and practice that can make a difference for nature and people?”
After many online meetings, we now encourage in-person participation for this annual meeting to keep up the vibrant discussions and networking across disciplines and sectors. However, participation will be possible via Zoom as well.
9.30 Registration, coffee, sandwich and mingle
10.00 Welcome and opening of the conference day
10.10 Opening talks: Rise or reduction of commodity-driven deforestation in Brazil and Indonesia
Brazil did manage to reduce commodity-driven deforestation drastically, but now it is on the way up. Indonesia has recently seen drastic reductions in deforestation for palm oil. What can we learn from these experiences? After the two opening talks a broader panel will follow where lessons from the work of The Tenure Facility in Democratic Republic of The Congo will be added to the discussion on how to achieve more long-term reductions in deforestation and at the same time support local livelihoods and tenure. The recently signed rainforest pact between these three rainforest giants and other related trends will be brought up by the panel as input to the Focali horizon scanning.
Moderator: Martin Persson, Associate Professor, Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
12.00 Partners and members pitch session
Opportunity for members and partners to present themselves and pitch ideas for future collaboration (4 min)
Moderator: Maria Ölund, Project Manager the Focali research network and Focali – SIANI collaboration, GMV
Graphic: Focali.
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