SEI Africa director told the “Nation” that Kenya’s President William Ruto’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) highlighted two major global environmental issues for which Kenya is recognised globally as a leader and champion.
SEI Africa director Philip Osano addresses the media in the Senegalese capital Dakar in a press conference on sports and the environment. Photo: Lawrence Nzuve/SEI
On climate change, the President underscored the worsening situation facing African countries and especially the drought and the food insecurity situation afflicting the Horn of Africa, which is largely due to climate change. This underscores the need for increased investment and financing for adaptation and resilience which are high priority for African countries ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) [to be] held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in November this year.
Dr. Philip Osano, SEI Africa director
Dr. Osano was responding to a speech by president Dr. William Ruto’s that was given during the 77th UNGA session, which came two weeks after he promised to make tackling climate change a top priority and transition East Africa’s largest economy to clean energy by 2030 in his first inauguration speech.
It is great to note the commitment by Kenya to put in place a National Blue Economy Strategy, following on from the Africa Blue Economy Strategy developed by the African Union based on the recommendation from the 2018 Sustainable Blue Economy Conference (SBEC) that was hosted by Kenya. SEI has collaborated with the government in documenting the scientific outcomes of the 2018 Sustainable Blue Economy Conference and will continue with this collaboration to ensure that scientific evidence and technological capacity underpins the strategy.
Dr. Philip Osano, SEI Africa director
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