This image bank consists of a set of 116 images that can be used together with the Resource Flow mapping tool and other sensitization tools when implementing the Clean and Green framework as part of rural sanitation programs.
The image bank consists of a wide range of illustrations, from the use of various types of ecological sanitation toilets to the use of excreta-derived products in agriculture. All the images have a white background, and hence can be used in a variety of media and contexts.
Each image has a descriptive file name. The images can be downloaded individually, or collectively by downloading the “” file.
The image bank was developed as part of the Clean and Green framework project at the Stockholm Environment Institute, in collaboration with WaterAid Burkina Faso. The development of these images was supported by funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for the PHA-3R programme (Rural Sanitation and Hygiene in three regions) in Burkina Faso, and through core support to SEI for the initiative on Sustainable Sanitation (
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Illustration: Linus Dagerskog and Kou Lougué
Design and development by Soapbox.