Join us for the launch of our publication which gathers scientific evidence and local views from AgriFoSe2030 change projects on how smallholder farmers navigate food crises. The launch gathers a multidisciplinary team of researchers, practitioners and policy makers working with smallholder transformation issues in sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia.
Food insecurity remains a major challenge in many parts of the world despite economic growth and significant reductions in poverty rates in the past two decades. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that around 2.3 billion people are food insecure, and 827 million people are affected by hunger and malnutrition. These people are often smallholder farmers and found overwhelmingly in low-income countries in South and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
At this event, the AgriFoSe2030 programme will launch a perspective report showcasing how select projects are responding or adapting in times of crises and how their intervention is a sustainable solution to achieving resilient agri-food systems and ultimately, food security in their respective countries, more specifically, areas of the project.
Since 2020, smallholder farmers have faced a number of domestic and global shocks including droughts, severe rainfall, value chain disruptions, economic shocks, crop and animal diseases, conflicts and COVID-19 related restrictions that have negative impacts on food systems. The perspectives report gathers varied contextual experiences from AgriFoSe2030 projects in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia and synthesises key lessons and approaches adopted by smallholder farmers in times of crises. The report contributes to making agri-food systems more productive, sustainable, and resilient to ensure nutritious, safe, and affordable diets for all.
10:00-10:05: Welcome and introduction of participants
10:05-10:10: Introduction of the AgriFoSe programme and the perspectives report
10:10-10:20: Opening remarks
10:20-10:40: Perspectives on navigating the food crises in Africa
10:40-11:00: Perspectives on navigating the food crises in East and Southeast Asia
11:00-11:20: Q&A session
11:20-11:30: Closing remarks
Fill out the following form to join the online event on Friday 14 April 10:00-11:30 CET
Other publication / Seven perspectives on how the current food crisis and the global interlinkages of the agricultural sector are unfolding in East Africa and Southeast Asia.
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The AgriFoSe2030 programme is hosted by a consortium of researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University, Linköping University and Stockholm Environment Institute. The programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
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