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Journal article

Understanding the role of green bonds in advancing sustainability

This article analyses what attracts investors and issuers to the green bond market, and what impact green bonds are having on the financing of sustainability and on organizational behaviour.

Aaron Maltais, Björn Nykvist / Published on 14 February 2020

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Maltais, A. and Nykvist, B. (2020). Understanding the role of green bonds in advancing sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. 1–20.

Green bonds are one of the most prominent innovations in sustainable finance of the past decade. However, to date the few academic studies on green bonds have tended to focus on what impact green labels have on bond yields.

This article is one of the first empirical studies designed to address the broader questions of what attracts investors and issuers to the green bond market, the role of green bonds in shifting capital to more sustainable economic activity, and how green bonds impact the way organizations work with sustainability.

Using Sweden as a case study, this paper provides insights into the rapid growth of the green bond market and how green bonds affect market participants’ engagement with sustainability that are easily missed if one focuses only on how green bonds are marketed.

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SEI authors

Aaron Maltais
Aaron Maltais

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Bjorn Nyqvist
Björn Nykvist

Team Leader: Energy and Industry Transitions; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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