This working paper looks at the potential for green bonds to scale-up financing for adaptation and resilience. It compares adaptation needs against historical levels of green bond issuance to explore the potential for green bonds to meet those needs.
This paper aims to clarify the role of green bonds in financing adaptation and resilience. Green bonds are often referred to as a potential contributor to filling the adaptation finance gap, specifically in terms of channelling private sector finance to adaptation. Less discussed, however, are the roles they play or could play in financing adaptation to meet those aims. Looking more closely at green bond data can help us to set more realistic expectations for the tool and identify ways to make it more useful for investing in adaptation and resilience.
The study finds that green bonds finance adaptation, but only to a very limited extent. The challenges linked to the use of green bonds to invest in adaptation are the same as those presented by other private sector finance tools.
However, these have less to do with green bonds as a mechanism, and more to do with the nature of those investments, the limits of the market and the current level of risk awareness. Efforts should be made to increase the development of projects that are appropriate for green bonds, such as revenue-generating, large-scale or poolable projects and projects that focus on hard adaptation components, but also to complement these with the necessary soft components.
In addition, regions or countries with developed bond markets must act first, which would help regions with nascent or emerging green bond markets to more quickly incorporate adaptation financing into the market than has been the case to date.
The recommendations set out below would promote the inclusion of adaptation in private sector green bond investments.
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