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Understanding local government drivers for sustainable consumption (UNLOCK) aims to understand how incentive structures shape behaviour at the local level in Sweden in the pursuit of sustainable consumption by residents and local government.

Active project


Project contact

Karin André /

Unlock project work

Flytta om bland pallkragarna i Hökarängen, Sverige. Foto: HOPP!bloggen n, Sverige. Foto: HOPP!bloggen


The Unlock project identifies key needs, barriers and opportunities of local governments in Sweden in their work with sustainable consumption. Through targeted surveys, key stakeholder interviews and case studies the project will propose effective policy instruments and measures for reduced consumption related impacts on environment and health at the local level.

Specific aims to the project are:

  • Examine formal and informal incentive structures and conditions that influence sustainable consumption at the local level;
  • Identify effective combinations of new and existing policy instruments and tools for local government aiming to reduce negative environmental and health-related effects of consumption; and
  • Identify and propose suitable indicators for local government to monitor progress towards sustainable consumption, as a particular way of incentivizing and guiding behaviour change.

Read about the project in Swedish: Drivkrafter för hållbar konsumtion

Karin André
Karin André

Team Leader: Cities, Communities and Consumption; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Åsa Gerger Swartling
Åsa Gerger Swartling

Head of Knowledge Management, Senior Research Fellow

Global Operations

SEI Headquarters

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