This African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) side event is cohosted by the African Union Commission, UNEP Regional Office for Africa and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to present findings from the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa to inform and enable discussions by African senior policymakers on the options for implementation of the recommendations of the assessment at the national, regional and continental levels.
Graphic: Lawrence Nzuve/SEI.
This side event is critical as the mandate of the Africa Integrated Assessment is drawn from the Resolution of the 17th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in 2019, during which environment ministers from African countries resolved to support the mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) and the Africa Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change as follows.
“To emphasize the benefits of improving air quality, including through managing, and as nationally appropriate, reducing short-lived climate pollutants in the environment, agriculture, health and forest conservation, while responding to the aspirations of Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the Sustainable Development Goals, noting the need for an assessment of the linkage between policies to address air pollution and policies to address climate change.”
Night in a Libreville, Gabon suburb. Photo: Lawrence Nzuve / SEI.
The expected outcomes of the side event include:
The side event is expected to inform and enable discussions by African High level and senior policymakers on the options for implementation of the recommendations of the assessment at the national, regional, and continental levels, and to identify and prioritize scientifically based measures for addressing air pollution and climate resilience to inform Africa’s position for COP27 in Egypt.
Moderator: Dr Philip Osano, SEI Africa Centre Director
Opening Session (10 min)
Presentation Session (20 min)
Panel and Interactive Dialogue Session (25 minutes)
Closing Session (5 min)
Photo session
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