Welcome to a seminar including the launch of a new report on scenarios for a secure and sustainable future.
Graphic: Hiroshi Watanabe / Getty Images.
At this seminar, researchers and stakeholder partners involved in the Mistra Geopolitics programme will present and discuss new results from a comprehensive two-year scenario work process. We will also listen to two research presentations, deepening our understanding of climate and security risks as well as relevant international policy development in this important field.
Moderator: Eva Krutmeijer, Mistra Geopolitics
Language: English
SEI Affiliated Researcher
How can the scenarios help in developing policies – how can they help in framing new research questions?
How is this research relevant for Swedish decision makers and how does it relate to the Swedish national security strategy (Nationella säkerhetsstrategin)?
Panel with Linda Lingsten – Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten (HaV), Eva Blixt – Jernkontoret, Mats Kinnwall – Teknikföretagen, Cecilie Tenfjord Toftby (M) – Riksdagens försvarsutskott
After the seminar, please stay for a coffee and mingle with the researchers.
The seminar is organised jointly by Mistra Geopolitics and Swedish Defence University in connection with Stockholm Climate and Security Hub.
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