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Accelerating Agenda 2030: municipal planning for reduced climate footprints

This project helped Sweden’s municipalities to map and reduce emissions generated by consumption in their local areas. To implement the project, SEI partnered with Umeå and Kalmar Municipalities and the company InsightOne.

The project was funded by Formas, a Swedish government research council for sustainable development and implemented from November 2019–April 2022.

Inactive project


The Sustainable Development Goals for sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) are closely connected, and are perhaps two of the most challenging SDGs for Sweden to achieve. Several Swedish municipalities have set ambitious targets to reduce consumption-based environmental pressures, but often lack the data and tools they need to identify suitable policies to meet the targets or to monitor progress. This project aims to fill the gap by downscaling cutting-edge research and data on Sweden’s national climate footprint so that it can be applied in local contexts.

SEI developed a practical tool that municipalities can use to analyse climate footprints at fine geographic scales (postcode level). This will enable them to identify and understand local consumption hotspots and to choose the best policy mix to reduce footprints. The work builds on SEI’s long-term experience in sustainable consumption and in developing tools for decision support and calculating climate footprints.

The project has three core aims:

  • downscaling national-level footprint data to the municipal level – for all municipalities in Sweden
  • developing a freely available tool for analysing data on climate footprints and selecting policy measures to reduce them
  • supporting municipalities in working towards Sustainable Development Goals 11 and 12.

SEI implemented the project in partnership with two Swedish municipalities, Umeå and Kalmar, to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities that municipalities face, as well as their needs in terms of consumption-based emissions accounting. The project also partnered with the company InsightOne, which uses geo-demographic modelling to identify consumption patterns at fine geographical scales.

SEI provides guidance and hands-on training for using the tool, and for knowledge exchange and boosting capacity. The tool helps municipalities to implement more targeted and efficient policies and generate a knowledge base of effective, replicable local actions that target consumption, ultimately moving Sweden closer to achieving the SDGs.

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SEI project team

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Karin André
Karin André

Team Leader: Cities, Communities and Consumption; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Ylva Rylander
Ylva Rylander

Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters

Derik Broekhoff

Senior Scientist


Fedra Vanhuyse
Fedra Vanhuyse

Head of Division: Societies, Climate and Policy Support

SEI Headquarters

Mia Shu
Mia Shu

Graphic Designer


SEI Headquarters

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