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Vulnerable countries and communities are already experiencing severe losses and damages from unavoidable climate change impacts. They urgently need financial support to help them recover from the impacts now and in the future.
This project will explore how viable financial tools, structures and modalities for addressing climate-imposed loss and damage can be operationalized within the international climate architecture, and in accordance with climate justice principles.
Photo: Tuul and Bruno Morandi / Getty Images
Loss and damage (L&D) refers to the serious climate change impacts that can’t be avoided through mitigation and adaptation efforts alone. Evidence indicates that L&D is already a lived reality for people around the world, threatening their fundamental human rights and trapping them in poverty. Poor and vulnerable communities, who are least responsible for climate change, are already facing the brunt of its impacts and urgently need finance to recover from extreme events, build new livelihoods, and be proactive in responding to slow-onset but unavoidable impacts. Despite this, financial support for L&D through the UN system has not yet been provided.
COP26 indicated a potential turning point for progress on L&D finance, which was a big issue on the agenda of Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA). For the first time, the G77+China group was aligned on the issue, through the push for a Glasgow Loss and Damage Facility capable of channelling L&D finance from the Global North to the most vulnerable populations. The establishment of the Glasgow Dialogue indicates that L&D finance is likely to remain on the agenda, emphasizing the need for research to support this process.
Research has so far mostly focused on the politics of L&D finance, while MAPA ask for more empirical information about the needs, demands and capacities existing at the local level. Our research aims to fill this gap by investigating how finance for L&D can be operationalized, providing an evidence base to negotiators as they discuss a potential L&D finance facility, as well as to funders already aiming to mobilize L&D finance.
Our proposed work consists of three key aims:
Media coverage / COP27's establishment of a Loss and Damage fund is a crucial victory. Now it must prioritize the most vulnerable communities, SEI researchers say.
13 December 2022 / About Geopolitics and Public policy
Past event / This event will discuss how to scale up action related to loss and damage.
12 November 2022 / About Finance
Media advisory / COP27 failed to advance climate action. Ended with only one achievement: the decision to establish a fund for financial support to victims of climate impacts.
21 November 2022 / About Adaptation, Climate policy and Finance
Feature / Listen to episode two of SEI's Now & Then Podcast on loss and damage — what it means and how to operationalize finance to address it.
1 November 2022 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Disaster Risk and Finance
Press release / A new report led by SEI, with perspectives from around the world, makes the case for scaling up loss and damage finance.
1 November 2022 / About Adaptation, Finance and Mitigation
Media coverage / SEI Associate Scientist Zoha Shawoo weighs in on what is required of an effective Loss and Damage financing system ahead of COP27 in Egypt.
28 October 2022 / About Adaptation, Disaster Risk, Finance, Geopolitics and Public policy
Perspective / Loss and Damage funding is a matter of extreme urgency, SEI Scientist Zoha Shawoo argues. G7 leaders can start addressing this matter now.
27 June 2022 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Disaster Risk, Finance, Geopolitics, Mitigation and Public policy
Feature / SEI's Inès Bakhtaoui explains what we can expect from the first Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage at the intersessional Bonn Climate Change Conference.
7 June 2022 / About Climate policy
Press / SEI's Zoha Shawoo spoke to Devex about five key principles that should underpin a future financing mechanism for loss and damage from an SEI brief on the topic.
11 February 2022 / About Adaptation, Disaster Risk and Finance
Perspective / The concept of loss and damage is gaining traction in discussions. This shift marks a turning point for how to think about climate finance and climate justice.
20 December 2021 / About Climate policy, Climate services and Public policy
Perspective / COP26 established a dialogue to explore ways to cover the cost of major climate impacts that can no longer be avoided. Here are five principles to guide it.
20 December 2021 / About Climate policy and Finance
Press / SEI Researcher Zoha Shawoo highlights historical responsibility when it comes to loss and damage in an interview with Economist Impact.
15 November 2021 / About Disaster Risk
Perspective / A loss and damage fund linked to rich countries’ mitigation efforts could levy new funds to address "perfect storm" of flooding, COVID-19 and economic hardship.
10 September 2020 / About Adaptation, Disaster Risk and Finance
SEI report / The authors assessed and evaluated how the first GBP 1 million of Scottish government funding was disseminated and used, with implications for L&D finance.
1 December 2023 / About Disaster Risk and Finance
SEI brief / This brief summarizes recommendations about how the new Loss & Damage Fund can best help vulnerable countries respond to and recover from climate impacts.
28 August 2023 / About Finance and Geopolitics
Other publication / This report offers recommendations on how to operationalize a new global loss and damage fund from the perspectives of intended beneficiaries.
26 July 2023 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Disaster Risk and Finance
Other publication / This report offers recommendations on how to operationalize a new global loss and damage fund.
13 July 2023 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Disaster Risk, Finance, Geopolitics, Participation and Public policy
SEI report / How can finance for loss and damage be put into action? This report looks at different options for doing so, to inform climate negotiations and discussions.
1 November 2022 / About Climate policy and Finance
SEI brief / Financial support for countries that bear disproportionate effects of climate change has stalled for years. COP26 must spur real progress, researchers argue.
27 October 2021 / About Finance
Perspective / The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on the state of climate mitigation. SEI researchers offer their main takeaways.
8 April 2022 / About Behaviour and choice, Climate policy, Finance, Fossil fuels, Innovation, Mitigation, Public policy, Renewables and Transport
Perspective / SEI US Associate Scientist Zoha Shawoo outlines why countries must strengthen policy coherence when implementing climate goals.
22 February 2022 / About Adaptation, Bioeconomy, Business, Climate policy, Mitigation, Public policy, Renewables and Sustainable Development Goals
Press / SEI Researcher Zoha Shawoo highlights historical responsibility when it comes to loss and damage in an interview with Economist Impact.
15 November 2021 / About Disaster Risk
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