Annika Carlsson Kanyama is an SEI Affiliated Researcher with SEI Headquarters.
Annika defended her doctoral thesis in Natural Resource Management at Stockholm University in 1999 and became a docent in Industrial Ecology at the Royal Institute of Technology in 2005. Her research encompass mapping and analysing consumption-related greenhouse gas emissions with some focus on food and gender impacts, climate change adaptation with focus on the abilities at the municipal level as well as future studies (particularly back-casting) and more recently systematic literature studies. During her research career she has collaborated extensively with researchers from a large range of disciplines. At the moment, she is dedicated to contributing to the urgent need for transformation into a low-carbon society and she participates as a board member in several environmental NGOs
Some recent scientific publications:
Tom van der Voorn*, Jaco Quist, Åsa Svenfelt, Kasper Kok, Robin Hickman, Stephen Sheppard, Annika Carlsson Kanyama, David Banister (2023) Advancing participatory backcasting for climate change adaptation planning using 10 cases from 3 continents.
ClimateRiskManagement 42(2023)100559.
Carlsson Kanyama A., Nässén J. and Benders R. (2021) Shifting expenditure on food, holidays, and furnishings could lower greenhouse gas emissions by almost 40%. Journal of industrial ecology, 25 (6)1377-1706.
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