Editor’s choice
Transition Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (TRANSrisk) was a European Union-funded research project that studied the risks and uncertainties within low-carbon transition pathways. The project examined how transitions can be implemented in ways that are technically, economically and sociably feasible. The project aimed to enhance understanding of such transitions to help societies move towards low-carbon economies of tomorrow.
To achieve Paris Agreement targets low-carbon technologies need to be deployed on a massive scale, alongside energy efficiency and behavioural change measures. But carbon cuts cannot be delivered at the expense of everything else – the economies of tomorrow need to be dynamic, productive and low carbon. Risks and opportunities exist in every low carbon transition. These need to be identified and planned for – successful transitions will avoid or mitigate risks whilst making the most of opportunities.
TRANSrisk is conducting assessments that will underpin a decision-support tool for climate policy-makers, both in the European Union and around the world. The project explores transition pathways with stakeholders in 15 country and regional case studies in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and North America. SEI is part of a consortium of 12 organisations coordinated by the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the project is a three-year research effort that concludes at the end of 2018.
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Video: TRANSrisk / YouTube.
The project’s objective is to produce a new assessment framework, and an accompanying toolbox, for policy-makers. TRANSrisk aims to assess low-emission transition pathways that are technically and economically feasible and acceptable from social and environmental points of view. TRANSrisk brings together quantitative models and qualitative approaches, focusing on participatory consultations with stakeholders as a link between the approaches. It aims to create a new interdisciplinary assessment framework that incorporates risk and uncertainty in evaluating transition pathways, informed by an analysis of innovation system dynamics. The project combines macro-level energy and economic modeling with analyses of the roles of multiple actors in technology innovation processes and participatory stakeholder engagement.
The international community is moving towards ambitious decarbonisation commitments. Meeting these commitments will require wide-ranging socio-economic transitions, characterised by uncertainties and risks that vary considerably across nations and regions and for different actors and stakeholders. New technologies will play a crucial role in these transitions, and careful design of innovation policies is required to promote technology uptake while achieving the desired societal benefits at reasonable cost.
This requires an understanding of how technological developments interact with economic instruments, as well as the roles and relationships of key actors in decision-making processes. Transition pathways towards decarbonisation must also be aligned with other closely related societal objectives such as energy access; the security and resilience of energy systems; and the integrated management of water resources, land and ecosystems.
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Video: TRANSrisk / YouTube.
SEI leads research into the relationship between innovation system dynamics and alternative transition pathways. Our approach considers multiple actors at different levels of the innovation system (e.g. consumers, households, private organisations and public entities). Our work examines connections between actors’ decision-making processes and the steering mechanisms applicable in transition pathways. Drawing on input from stakeholders in the case-study countries, we analyse the interests and capabilities of multiple actors under different socio-economic and socio-technical contexts.
SEI leads three TRANSrisk case studies in Indonesia, Kenya and Sweden. In Sweden, our work investigates the energy supply and technologies for road freight as a contribution to the country’s 2030 goal for a fossil-fuel-independent vehicle fleet. In Indonesia, we are analysing the sustainability and climate resilience of biofuels made from crop wastes and residues, in the context of the country’s climate and development goals. In Kenya, our focus is on the country’s energy access and security objectives; we are examining the diversification of supply through geothermal energy, and the sustainability of charcoal supply chains.
The findings will guide work on the climate implications of expanded energy access.
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Video: EASME / YouTube.
Perspective / This video essay explores issues on risks and uncertainties that Kenya must address to continue development of geothermal power.
31 May 2018 / About Climate policy and Renewables
Journal article / This article examines the role that the use of biogas as a cooking fuel can play as one pathway for a low-carbon transition in Indonesia.
22 November 2019 / About Bioeconomy
SEI brief / SEI research examines the issues that must be addressed for wider use of biogas for Indonesia to help reduce emissions and meet Paris Agreement commitments.
4 June 2019 / About Bioeconomy
SEI working paper / This paper explores how to combine models to better understand the interactions between energy, economy, and land use in regions that rely on woodfuels.
29 May 2019 / About Forests, Household energy, Planning and modelling, Pollution and Short lived climate pollutants
SEI brief / Sweden's diesel truck transportation sector faces a choice: will it pursue near-term climate goals with biofuels, or push for electrification for the long term?
7 May 2019 / About Transport
Other publication / This book provides case studies that illustrate the benefits, risks and complexities involved with moving towards lower-carbon energy sources.
13 March 2019
Other publication / This policy brief summarises the research findings and policy recommendations from the international TRANSrisk project on transitions to lower-carbon fuels.
19 February 2019 / About Innovation
Journal article / This study examines progress on battery electric vehicles (BEVs), including where long-range BEVs can be produced at similar costs to conventional cars.
29 October 2018 / About Transport
SEI brief / The growing gap between supply and demand for charcoal in Kenya will only expand unless action is taken. This brief discusses routes ahead.
29 October 2018 / About Energy access, Forests and Mitigation
SEI brief / How can geothermal development to stimulate the economy in Kenya be matched by benefit-sharing with local communities, conservation and local development?
29 October 2018 / About Energy access and Renewables
SEI brief / Achieving Kenya's nationally determined contribution (NDC) target will require a concerted effort to put its energy sector on a low-carbon trajectory
24 October 2017 / About Mitigation
SEI brief / Introduces a case study and participatory research on scenarios with diverse technology mixes for lowering GHG emissions from Swedish road freight transport
12 June 2017 / About Transport
SEI brief
30 September 2016 / About Behaviour and choice, Energy access and Forests
Past event / This side event will discuss the role of VLRs for local delivery of the 2030 Agenda as well as their relevance to national sustainability policy.
14 July 2022 / About Cities, Climate policy, Public policy and Sustainable Development Goals
Past event / The event marked the final stretch of the EU2020 project TRANSrisk and discussed results and challenges of decarbonisation of heavy duty vehicles.
18 October 2018
Perspective / Is technology about to overcome the "too heavy to electrify" obstacle? SEI's Björn Nykvist examines the debate in an op-ed for EURACTIV.
7 May 2019 / About Transport
Perspective / This video essay explores issues on risks and uncertainties that Kenya must address to continue development of geothermal power.
31 May 2018 / About Climate policy and Renewables
SEI brief / Achieving Kenya's nationally determined contribution (NDC) target will require a concerted effort to put its energy sector on a low-carbon trajectory
24 October 2017 / About Mitigation
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