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SEI highlights Bolivia WATCH and sustainable sanitation at LatinoSan 2022

SEI’s Sanitation and Health team will participate at the VI Latin American Sanitation Conference (LatinoSan) 2022 in Cochabamba, Bolivia, highlighting results from the Bolivia WATCH Program and its work on sustainable sanitation.

LatinoSan has been organized every three years since 2007 and aims to position sanitation as a priority in Latin America and stimulate further action on SDG 6 related to water and sanitation commitments.

SEI will present work on water and sanitation.

Marta Anguera / Published on 6 October 2022

SEI’s Sanitation and Health team will participate in the VI Latin American Sanitation Conference (LatinoSan) 2022, highlighting results from Bolivia WATCH Program and SEI’s work on sustainable sanitation.

LatinoSan is an event that has been organized every three years since 2007 and aims to position sanitation as a priority in Latin America and stimulate further action towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 related to water and sanitation commitments.

The event brings together key political actors from countries in the region, as well as international specialists, operators, service regulators, cooperation and development agencies, academia and private sector actors working with sanitation. In this vein, SEI researchers will present work on water and sanitation-related aspects and their benefits to human health and the environment.

As part of the Research and Development Network of the Latin American and Caribbean Observatory for Water and Sanitation leading to LatinoSan, SEI Research Associates Carla Liera and Nhilce N. Esquivel will participate in an webinar on 7 October 2022 with participants from the University of Guadalajara, the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico and the Metropolitan University of Caracas in Venezuela on integrating water and sanitation services within the framework of integrated water resource management organized by the Inter-American Development Bank. The event is in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation into English and Portuguese.

At an event hosted by the SuSana Latin America network on 11 October 2022, SEI Research Fellow Linus Dagerskog will highlight reuse opportunities linked to sanitation and present the Clean & Green framework, a rural sanitation implementation framework that encourages a comprehensive management of risks and resources in local waste flows to protect health while also boosting agricultural productivity, and Esquivel will moderate the panel.

At the LatinoSan Conference on 12 October 2022, Liera will present results from a government capacity framework study in Montero, Bolivia. The study aims to understand the capacity of the government in Montero to upscale decentralized sustainable sanitation solutions in the municipality of Montero, Bolivia. The presentation will be done together with UNICEF. Dagerskog will discuss the Clean & Green framework and its possible contextualization and application in the Bolivian context, also with UNICEF.

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SEI participants

Carla Liera
Carla Liera

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Nhilce N. Esquivel
Nhilce N. Esquivel

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Linus Dagerskog
Linus Dagerskog

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Adriana Soto
Adriana Soto Trujillo

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Marta Anguera
Marta Anguera

Engagement Officer

SEI Headquarters

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